The entry of aquatic invasive organisms into nonlocal waters through ballast water is a serious challenge for the entire maritime industry. TJNE ballast water treatment technology provides reliable treatment solutions for new and modified ships, which can comply with the strictest ballast water regulations in the world.
Titanium electrode for seawater electrolysis is a state-of-the-art electrode used in ballast water treatment systems. It is designed to effectively disinfect and treat the ballast water to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens. The electrode is made of high-quality titanium material, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance.
Titanium electrode for seawater electrolysis is constructed using advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure high efficiency and durability. Its key characteristics and features include:
High disinfection kunyatsoshanda, kuve nechokwadi chekutevedzera mitemo yekurapa kwemvura yeballast
Optimized electrode design for reliable and efficient electrochemical reactions
Corrosion-resistant titanium material for durable and long-lasting performance
Kuisa kuri nyore uye kugadzirisa
Compact size and lightweight, saving space
chinhu | Parameter |
Substrate shape | Plate, mesh |
Substrate ukobvu | 1mm, 2mm |
Substrate | GR1, GR2 |
bemhapemha | Ru-Ir, Ru-Ir-Pt |
Bemhapemha ukobvu | 0.2-20μm |
Chlorine potential | ≤1.1V |
Polarizability | ≤25mv |
kushanda tembiricha | 5-40 ° C |
Titanium electrode for seawater electrolysis utilizes electrochemical reactions to effectively treat ballast water. It generates chlorine and other oxidizing chemicals, which have strong disinfection properties, when an electric current is applied. These chemicals actively kill or remove harmful bacteria, microorganisms, and other pathogens present in the ballast water, ensuring the ballast water is clean and safe before discharge.
Titanium electrode for seawater electrolysis is specifically designed for use in ballast water treatment systems on marine vessels. Made of grade 1 titanium, it provides excellent corrosion resistance in seawater environments. The electrode consists of two main components - the titanium substrate and the mixed metal oxide coating.
Iyo titanium substrate ine mesh-yakafanana chimiro inokwirisa pamusoro penzvimbo. Iyo inogadzirwa nekunyudza yakakwira-kuchena titanium poda mune ine porous network. Nzvimbo yepamusoro yepamusoro inobvumira maitiro emagetsi emagetsi panguva ye electrolysis yemvura yegungwa. Iyo mesh chimiro zvakare inobvumira kuderera kuyerera kuramba sezvo mvura inopfuura nepakati pe electrode.
On top of the titanium substrate, a thin coating of mixed metal oxide is applied using thermal decomposition. This coating is a proprietary blend optimized for chlorine generation. It typically contains oxides of ruthenium, iridium, tin, and other electrocatalysts. The coating significantly lowers overpotential and improves activation kinetics for the electrolytic reactions, resulting in efficient chlorine generation at low voltages.
1. Ko titanium electrode inokodzera marudzi ose e-ballast water treatment systems?
Hongu, iyo titanium electrode inogona kubatanidzwa mumhando dzakasiyana dze ballast mvura yekurapa masisitimu.
2. Ndeupi hupenyu hwetitanium electrode?
Iyo titanium electrode ine hupenyu hwemakore gumi kusvika gumi nemashanu, zvichienderana nemamiriro ekushanda uye kugadzirisa.
3. Pane here zvinodiwa zvekugadzirisa zvetitanium electrode?
Iyo titanium electrode inoda kucheneswa nguva nenguva uye kuongororwa kuti ibvise chero inogona kukanganisa kana kuyera.
4. Ko titanium electrode inosangana nemitemo yenyika nemirairo here?
Ehe, iyo titanium electrode inoenderana neakakodzera zviyero zvepasirese uye mirau yekurapa kwemvura yeballast.
Kana iwe uri kufunga kusarudza yako Titanium Electrode, ndapota inzwa wakasununguka kutibata nesu pa
TJNE is a professional manufacturer and supplier of titanium electrodes for ballast water disinfection, offering strong technical expertise, comprehensive after-sales service, complete certification and testing reports, fast delivery, and secure packaging. We fully support product testing and evaluation before purchase.