The Titanium Anode inoshandisa yakasarudzika makemikari kuumbwa uye chimiro kuti ive nechokwadi chekugadzikana uye kusimba panguva ye electrochemical reaction. Iine zvinotevera zvakanakira:
The Chlorine Electrolysis Cell chinhu chekucheka-kumucheto chakagadzirirwa kugadzira chlorine gasi kuburikidza ne electrolysis process. Iyo ine huwandu hwakasiyana hwekushandisa mumaindasitiri akasiyana siyana, kuendesa yakakwirira-kuita uye inoshanda kugadzirwa kweklorini.
The cell utilizes an electrochemical reaction to produce chlorine gas. It consists of an anode and a cathode separated by an electrolyte. When a direct electric current is passed through the electrolyte, chlorine gas is generated at the anode, while hydrogen gas is produced at the cathode. The chlorine gas can then be collected and used for various applications.
Mvura yakadzika-yakadzika yemunyu inosangana ne electrochemical reaction kuburikidza neelectrified electrode kugadzira sodium hypochlorite solution. Mushure mekuiswa magetsi, H2O inobuda pamusoro pecathode kuti igadzire OH - uye H2, ukuwo Cl - inoyerera pane anode pamusoro kuti ibudise Cl2, iyo inobva yaita neOH - kugadzira CLO -.
Electrode reaction: Anode: 2Cl --2e → Cl2
Cathode: 2H++2e → H2
Mhinduro kuita: 2NaOH+Cl2 → NaCl+NaClO+H2O
The total reaction expression ndeiyi inotevera:
NaCl+H2O → NaClO+H2 ↑
The Chlorine Electrolysis Cell finds its applications in:
kupfuya utachiona
kutenderera kwemvura kudzikira
disinfection mumvura yekunwa
ngarava ballast mvura kurapwa
kugadzirwa kwemakemikari
disinfection mudziva rekutuhwina
What is the lifespan of the Chlorine Electrolysis Cell?
The cell is designed for a lifespan of 5 years under normal operating conditions.
Ndezvipi zvitupa zvine chigadzirwa?
The Chlorine Electrolysis Cell is certified to meet international safety and quality standards such as ISO.
Ndeapi mushure mekutengesa masevhisi anopiwa?
TJNE inopa yakazara-yekumira mushure mekutengesa masevhisi, anosanganisira tsigiro yehunyanzvi, kugadzirisa, uye kugovera zvikamu.
If you are considering our Chlorine Generator Electrolyzer, feel free to contact us at We are a professional manufacturer and supplier with strong technical expertise, fast delivery, and excellent customer support. We provide complete certification and testing reports to ensure the reliability of our products.